The Role of Mudlogging in Oil and Gas Well Drilling:
A mud logging technician or geologist obtain rock cuttings circulated to the surface in drilling mud, describe and analyzed the cutting to identify down hole lithology with respect to depth.

Monitors natural gas levels(types) and notify other personnel on the rig when gas levels may be reaching dangerous levels, so appropriate steps can be taken to avoid a dangerous well blowout condition and determines positions of hydrocarbons with respect to depth.

Mud loggers connect various sensors to the drilling apparatus and install specialized equipment to monitor or (log) drill activity and interpret the indicators in the mud returns during the drilling process, and at regular intervals log properties such as drilling rate, mud weight, mud pit levels, flowline temperature, oil indicators, pump pressure, pump rate, lithology (rock type) of the drilled cuttings, and other data. Much of the equipment will require precise calibration or alignment by the mud logger to provide accurate readings.

Mud loggers organize all these information in the form of a graphic log, (master log) showing the data charted as a representation of the well bore.

The oil industry representative (company man) also with the tool pusher, and geologist provides mud loggers their instruction. The mud logging company is contracted specifically as to when to start well-logging activity and what services to provide. Mud logging may begin on the first day of drilling, known as the spud date but is more likely at some later time (and depth) determined by the oil industry geologist’s. The mud logger may also possess logs from wells drilled in the surrounding area. This information known as (offset data) can provide valuable clues as to the characteristics of the particular geo-strata that the rig crew is about to drill through.
Talk to us for your upcoming Mud logging project
Geodata Evaluation & Drilling Limited offers Mud logging services to Oil and Gas industries. Let us handle the project for you. contact us at Phone: +234 8037055441
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